Dr. Luke Buchanan, European Patent Attorney.

Dr. Luke Buchanan

European Patent Attorney, Partner

Through a combination of scientific and legal expertise, Luke Buchanan develops creative and efficient strategies for optimal patent protection of your inventions.

Luke provides comprehensive advice on all aspects of European and international patent law, with a particular focus on the life sciences / biotechnology / pharmaceutical sectors.


Luke was admitted to the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2012 and has extensive experience in drafting patent applications, building and managing international patent portfolios, opposition and appeal proceedings with the EPO, and preparing patentability and freedom-to-operate opinions.

After studying at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand (Biochemistry/Genetics, BSc. Hons First Class) and research activities (Molecular Microbiology; AgResearch), Luke Buchanan obtained his PhD (Epigenetics, Analytical Chemistry) at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) and at the Biotechnology Center of the Technical University of Dresden (BIOTEC-TUD).

Technical focus: Molecular diagnostics, antibodies, cell therapy, genetic engineering and gene editing, medicinal chemistry, small molecules, pharmaceutical compounds and formulations, analytical chemistry, proteomics and genomics, and computer implemented inventions in biotech.


Dr. Luke Buchanan, "specializing in advising the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries, has a high level of scientific expertise and a very precise and thoughtful approach to his work (...)". - Legal 500

"Hertin Anwaltssozietät's 'dedicated and motivated' Berlin-based patent law team is highly specialized in life sciences, is also expanding into medical technology, and has niche expertise in protecting new therapeutic methods." - Legal 500